Credit Card Donations


Please complete and turn in a pledge form to your Coordinator or Keyworker.  Giving via credit card does not constitute a paperless form of giving.  The gift will be processed by the United Ways of Alabama, but will be paid to your favorite charity(ies) designated on your pledge form.   We will need the pledge form to finalize your pledge and designation(s).

To give via credit card, click on the “Donate” button below.  You will receive an email confirming your gift and will receive a “transaction id.”   Please write the transaction ID on your pledge form for verification purposes.  

If you have any problems, contact the SCC staff.

Best way to give via Credit Card
To give securely to your favorite SCC charity via credit card, you can do so through PayPal’s Giving Fund and SCC will not be charged a processing fee.  To donate, click on the button below, complete a pledge form and send completed form to your statewide coordinator or the SCC office.  Plus, after you donate, the PayPal Giving Fund will send you a tax receipt. 

 Note:  If you leave the State Combined Campaign (United Way is the fiscal agent for State Combined Campaign) landing page and go to another charity’s Giving Fund page, your gift cannot be credited to the State Combined Campaign.

Donate with PayPal button
To give via the SCC PayPal Giving fund with no fees.

You can also give securely to the SCC through this PayPal link.  Note: If you give through the standard PayPal link, the SCC will be charged a processing fee.  You must complete a pledge form and turn it in to your statewide coordinator or the SCC office.